Assalāmu 'alaykum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu…

This website is currently under development, with lots of changes planned in the coming days, in shā' Allāh.

Here is a selection of the most popular articles:

Please also check out the notes section, currently in development.

There's also a selection of video lectures, and you can contact me.

Finally, here is a selection of the last few blog posts, see the full blog for more:

  • If I only do one thing...

    09 September, 2015


    I feel that I can't carry out your ruqyah programme - it's just too much for me. If there was one thing that you would advise me to do, what would it be?


    Firstly, we should be clear that whatever is recommended in this post should be seen as a stepping stone to one of the ruqyah treatments that are described elsewhere on the website, such as the blog post Where Do I Start?

  • Confusion Over How to Seek Blessings for Someone to Prevent the Evil Eye

    24 August, 2015


    In one of your videos, you advised people to say Tabārak Allāh, or to say Mā shā' Allāh, in order to avoid giving someone the evil eye. Other speakers have said that this is incorrect, and that you should say: Bārak Allāhu feek, or Allāhumma Bārik lahu. Which is correct?


  • Frequent Nightmares

    24 August, 2015


    What is your advice to people who suffer from frequent nightmares. Can these be symptoms of a more serious problem?


    There is no doubt that nightmares are from the shayṭān. The link between them and the shayṭān means that they can also be a symptom of a more serious problem. Generally, if the nightmares are varied and infrequent, there is not too much to worry about. However, very frequent nightmares, nightmares which repeat over and over again, and nightmares that contain signs of an affliction are all symptoms which should be checked out. At the same time, there are other possibilities, and diagnosis should never be made on the basis of nightmares alone.