I added this to the site to make it easy to add content in a more timely fashion. Posts of particular importance will eventually be moved to articles in the relevant section of the website in shā' Allāh. Please note that these posts are a little less polished than some of the other content, so my apologies for that.

  • If I only do one thing...

    09 September, 2015


    I feel that I can't carry out your ruqyah programme - it's just too much for me. If there was one thing that you would advise me to do, what would it be?


    Firstly, we should be clear that whatever is recommended in this post should be seen as a stepping stone to one of the ruqyah treatments that are described elsewhere on the website, such as the blog post Where Do I Start?

  • Confusion Over How to Seek Blessings for Someone to Prevent the Evil Eye

    24 August, 2015


    In one of your videos, you advised people to say Tabārak Allāh, or to say Mā shā' Allāh, in order to avoid giving someone the evil eye. Other speakers have said that this is incorrect, and that you should say: Bārak Allāhu feek, or Allāhumma Bārik lahu. Which is correct?


  • Frequent Nightmares

    24 August, 2015


    What is your advice to people who suffer from frequent nightmares. Can these be symptoms of a more serious problem?


    There is no doubt that nightmares are from the shayṭān. The link between them and the shayṭān means that they can also be a symptom of a more serious problem. Generally, if the nightmares are varied and infrequent, there is not too much to worry about. However, very frequent nightmares, nightmares which repeat over and over again, and nightmares that contain signs of an affliction are all symptoms which should be checked out. At the same time, there are other possibilities, and diagnosis should never be made on the basis of nightmares alone.

  • Success in Secular Studies

    24 August, 2015


    What can a person learn from Islam in order to achieve good marks in secular studies?


    There are a few things that come to mind:

  • Travelling for Ruqyah

    24 August, 2015


    I would like to travel to see you, or another ruqyah practitioner, for the purpose of ruqyah. What do you advise?


    There's no doubt that the number of people seeking ruqyah has reached epidemic proportions. This is true for every practitioner who is doing their best to help others according to the Book of Allāh, and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ. Allowing people to travel for the purpose of ruqyah is only making the problem worse, in a number of ways:

  • How to Control Violent Jinn

    23 August, 2015


    How can a person performing ruqyah manage or control violent jinn?


    We seek refuge with Allāh from the evil that He has created, and we ask Allāh to protect us all from being overcome by our enemies.

    The first thing that should be noted is that truly violent jinn are a small minority of ruqyah cases. No doubt, many of the jinn will thrash around, scream, threaten, and try to scare; however, the number that are actually willing to carry out their threats are relatively small, and all praise is for Allāh.

    When you are dealing with truly violent jinn, there are a few points to bear in mind:

  • If a Patient Refuses Treatment

    23 August, 2015


    Can ruqyah be performed without a person's knowledge? What do you advise when a patient refuses to recognise the problem, and refuses treatment?


  • Using Truffle Water

    23 August, 2015

    THE USUAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this is not a substitute for medical advice. Do not implement anything of the following without consulting your doctor, or a suitably qualified professional.

    From the medicines which are established in the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ is the use of truffle water. I've done my very best to gather together whatever information that I can find on the usage of truffles, in order to help those who are trying to implement this Sunnah treatment. Notably, some people of knowledge said that the word 'eye' here is general, and covers both ailments of the eye, and significantly, the evil eye. There is some empirical data which supports this.

  • Ruqyah for Non-Muslims

    22 August, 2015

    A number of non-Muslims have contacted me asking about ruqyah, particularly those who believe in the existence of magic, and are looking for a cure. Below is an example of a reply that may be of benefit.

    It pains me to read that some of the problems that you are having have been caused by magic, and I ask Almighty God, whom there is no god except Him, to cure you with a cure that leaves no sickness, and to bless you and your family with guidance and happiness in this world and the next.

  • Trying for a Baby Without Success

    22 August, 2015


    A couple have been trying for a baby for a long period of time without success. They have been to doctors and tried various fertility treatments, but there seems to be no medical problem. Could this be related to the jinn? If so, what actions can they take to remedy the problem?


    With regard to having children, the first step is to recognise that being able to successfully conceive is in the hands of Allāh alone. Allāh said:

  • Where Do I Start?

    19 August, 2015

    A lot of people write emails to me with long stories about their ruqyah problems, the history, the people that they have seen, the experiences that they have had, and quite frequently, a plea for help. I made this website with the primary objective of helping the people who write these emails, without them waiting months for me to answer. However, I realise that a lot of people become overwhelmed with their situation, and they want some simple steps. Below is my generic advice that I would offer to almost everyone who writes me an email asking for help:

  • Advice On Overcoming Addiction to Pornography (and Related Addictions)

    14 August, 2015

    As those who have been following my blog posts will have noted, I'm making an effort to answer common questions that people ask, rather than writing the same thing to many people by email.

    It pains me to say that one of the most common questions that I am asked relates to overcoming addiction to pornography and what I will politely term "related addictions". What pains me even more is that an increasing number of the people asking are women. This is something that I would never have expected - perhaps I am just very naïve.

  • How Do I Know That My Treatment is Complete?

    13 August, 2015


    I've been doing ruqyah for some time, and my symptoms have improved. How do I know when my treatment is complete, and when should I stop doing ruqyah?


    In my opinion, ruqyah is only judged as having been completely successful when the person experiences no further symptoms, and has been blessed with complete relief from the particular problem that they were suffering from. This is something which usually happens in phases, and each phase has its own unique challenges. In some ways, the latter stages of treatment, when the patient is feeling better, is one of the most important times for ruqyah, and one of the times when people make the most mistakes.

  • Ruqyah for Children

    13 August, 2015


    When is it necessary to perform ruqyah on children, and how should it be done?


    When it comes to children, ruqyah is often easier than for adults, and results can often be obtained more quickly. Having said that, we can divide ruqyah cases in children into three categories:

  • Jinn Attacks and Assault at Night

    12 August, 2015


    What is your advice to ruqyah patients who report being attacked, and even sexually assaulted by the jinn at night? Is this possible? If so, what can be done to prevent it?


  • Magic and the Stomach

    09 August, 2015

    ANOTHER SERIOUS DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this is not a substitute for medical advice. Do not implement anything of the following without consulting your doctor, or a suitably qualified professional.

  • How Do I Destroy a Ta'weez?

    08 August, 2015


    I've found something that appears to be some kind of ta'weez and perhaps even magic. How can I destroy it?


    When it comes to destroying ta'weez, there are a number of things to bear in mind. This answer is adapted from the answer given by Shaykh ‘Adil al-Muqbil (may Allāh protect and preserve him), and is similar to the methods taught to the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Saudi Arabia who deal with magic on a day-to-day basis. I have added some things myself, including some additional points of safety, and additional descriptions, but the basic method is that of the Shaykh -- Muhammad Tim.

  • How Can I Protect Myself?

    05 August, 2015


    I fear that I am at risk of a jinn attack, magic, or the evil eye. How can I protect myself?


    This is an important question, and one that is relevant to almost everyone at some time or another in their lives. The answer is not to do one single thing, but to do as many of the things that Allāh has established as causes for protection as possible, while affirming that these causes are nothing more than causes, and they will only be effective with the permission of Allāh.

    Below are a list of the most important causes of protection from the aforementioned afflictions:

  • Why Is My Treatment Taking So Long?

    04 August, 2015


    A patient has been doing ruqyah for a long time, without getting rid of the problem. They are following all of the recommended steps. Why are they not being cured?


    This is a common mistake that many people make. They think that because they are doing the right thing, the problem should go away within a certain time. This is essentially a problem in managing expectations. If the doctor told you that you had cancer, you wouldn't come back after your first chemotherapy treatment and say, "Why am I not cured now?" That's because you would expect that it would take a year, perhaps two years to go into full remission and get the all clear.

  • Psoriasis, Eczema, and Prophetic Medicine

    03 August, 2015

    SERIOUS DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this is not a substitute for medical advice. Do not implement anything of the following without consulting your doctor, or a suitably qualified professional.

  • Solving the Email Problem

    14 July, 2015

    In preparation for the new website, there needs to be a new way of handling email. I'm using this blog post as a temporary way of letting people know, as I answer the outstanding emails, that things are going to change, in shā' Allāh.

    The Problem

    The problem is quite simple: emails are taking way too much of my time. So much so that my most important projects, such as the Humble Foundation, are suffering. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, these emails are not decreasing, they're increasing considerably.

    Emails are Inefficient

  • Who Cares About the Truth!?

    11 July, 2015

    The title for this blog post came from something that happened to a friend of mine on social media, some time ago. Something was falsely attributed to a well-known individual, and when the brother pointed out that this statement that was being shared was false, one user replied, "Who cares about the truth!? If it sounds good..."

    At least the person who wrote that was being honest, which is more than I can say for those who have an unhealthy attachment to certain speakers, regardless of what they say or do.

  • O Nouman Ali Khan...Fear Allāh!

    09 July, 2015

    Update: Nouman Ali Khan posted this reply. I feel that it's only fair to mention this at the beginning of the post, even though I don't feel that he dealt with the actual statements that were made.

    O Nouman Ali Khan...fear Allāh!

  • An Update From Dubai

    25 June, 2015

    Assalāmu 'alaykum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

    It's been over 200 days since I last posted something on my blog, and probably a similar length of time since posting on Twitter. With the beginning of Ramadan, I figure that now is a good time to post an update. In my last post, I mentioned that I was going abroad, but I didn't mention where. That was deliberate, so that I was able to have some time to settle in. I think most people know by now that I've moved to Dubai, and I'm now working with Kalemah Islamic Centre.

    So why Dubai?

    Well, when I decided to take a break from the UK, I had certain goals in mind, including:

  • I'm Leaving the UK for a While (and Why)

    17 November, 2014

    Assalāmu 'alaykum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

  • How Do I Study Islam?

    04 December, 2013

    Update: I've fixed some of the broken links that were in this blog post, so there should at least be working links now, for those who are interested.

    Assalāmu ’alaykum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

    I’ve written a couple of emails recently to brothers and sisters asking how they can study Islam. Some are concerned that they don't meet the eligibility criteria for the Islamic University of Madeenah, and are therefore left wondering how they can study Islam.